Doctors’ Blog:

Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

12 Ways to Detox Your Liver

Your liver is responsible for over 500 different functions in the body (1). It plays a role in blood clotting, produces cholesterol, stores important vitamins, and makes bile which is an essential component of your digestive system. Your liver also works around the clock to eliminate toxins.

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

Top 12 Antioxidant Herbs to Better Your Health

Antioxidants are disease-fighting compounds that work around the clock to protect your health. More specifically, they protect your body from free radicals, little molecules that cause damage to healthy cells and even your DNA over time. Antioxidants can help you live a long and healthy life.

Scientists believe free radical damage plays a role in the development of many diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and more (1). This means antioxidants have an important role in your health.

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

3 Household Dangers that are Leading to your Thyroid Disfunction

While some thyroid conditions are genetic, you may be surprised to find out that there are environmental toxins that can lead to thyroid dysfunction. Fortunately, there are things that you can do that will help cleanse the toxins from your body. This article will help you understand some of the most destructive toxins and what you can do to fight against them.

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

5 Heavy Metals that Cause Fatigue

According to a recent Touchtone Essentials article I read, when it comes to heavy metals and fatigue, the issue can go beyond regular tiredness. A buildup of heavy metals can cause fatigue by interfering with how the body produces energy at a cellular level. This can create a feeling of exhaustion that no amount of coffee can fix. 

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

5 ways to use nascent iodine (which we carry at the office!)

It is the swiss army knife of supplements! Made with a patented electromagnetic frequency to make it the most bioavailable form of iodine on the planet for clean, focused energy and to support a healthy metabolism. Just a few drops in a glass of purified water does the trick!

Even better, you can use it all over your face or body in a number of ways.

You can drop this nascent iodine tincture on your breasts to ease pain and to saturate the breasts with the essential mineral, or you can mix it in water to make a spray to fight acne anywhere on the skin.

That means you can easily replace any extra cleansers or supplements taking up space in your cabinet with a single bottle of our iodine. For example, use it to….

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

Top 10 drinks to relieve stress

In today's fast paced world, we may be technologically advanced but our mental, physical and spiritual problems have increased dramatically and our stress levels have reached new heights. Whether due to finances, studies or workplace we all face stress on a regular basis.

Mostly, our first reaction when we are overcome with stress is to look for an easy solution such as alcohol or medications. Not only is this a dangerous trend, it also puts you at risk of adverse effects of medications besides making you dependent on the drugs.

That is why more and more people are looking for safer and more natural solutions to combat stress. Consuming natural beverages like kava tea, green tea and warm milk or drink supplements in the market which have a calming effect on the body is becoming increasingly popular.

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

The Amazing Benefits of Olive Oil (Beware of Fake Olive Oil)

Olive Oil is considered a superfood source.

It is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats. The key fatty acid in olive oil is oleic acid. This fatty acid has been found to be responsible for lowering inflammation. 

Research also suggests that oleic acid can reduce levels of important inflammatory markers like high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and Interleukin-6.

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

Why I use and recommend doTERRA Essential Oils

I love holistic, in home remedies that are safe for babies and pregnancy, so naturally the topic of essential oils comes up. I have chosen to be a wellness advocate of doTERRA since 2017 and here is why…

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

PBX Zeolite for Heavy Metal Detox

I am always on the hunt for high quality, safe for children and nursing mothers, effective and easy to use detoxes. I have been using PBX Zeolite Spray for a while now after trying a few other brands and have now started to recommend it for my patients! Here is a little info about PBX, not all zeolite spray is created equal.

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

Gluten, Your Body and Your Brain

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a general name given to proteins found in certain grain products, like wheat and it’s derivatives like wheat berries, semolina, durum, spelt, farina, faro, emmer, graham, einkorn wheat, rye, barley triticale (a hybrid wheat and rye), wheat starch, malt and brewer’s yeast. Over time the industry has genetically modified (hybridized) the wheat seed to produce a higher gluten content for a better texture and for bread to rise more and that is what has caused our bodies a lot of issues. 

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

What Kind of Shoes Are the Best for Your Health?

I get asked frequently about what shoes I recommend.

Our feet are the base of our entire bodies, since we are bi-pedal mammals. And shoes are one of the only items of clothing that has a direct impact on our health. This is especially important when it comes to children and their development!

In our society, we have been accustomed to shows that feel “normal,” but are not shaped or functional for an actual foot.

Squishing your toes into a normal shoe has become normal, but could lead to seemingly non-foot related issues.

Tips to remember when shopping: FLAT, THIN, WIDE & FLEXIBLE

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

How to do a Coffee Enema

A little History-

Coffee has an extremely powerful healing effect on the human body. It is one of the most powerful natural detoxifiers that we have. Coffee, taken as an enema is one of the fastest, natural ways to relieve the liver of the burden of exporting the overload of toxins when healing itself of cancer or autoimmune diseases.

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

Why Organic Mattresses Are Important

According to one of my favorite brands of organic mattresses, the original, My Green Mattress: An organic mattress is a wonderful convergence of eco-minded consumer demand, global supply chain opportunities, and beautiful product design. Decades ago, goods like sustainable mattresses may have been nice to dream about but difficult to produce for hundreds of customers at a time.

Today, an organic mattress isn’t just a cool thought–it’s a reality. But that doesn’t mean every organic mattress is made the same. In fact, there are multiple characteristics that set some organic mattresses apart from others

Plus, organic mattresses aren’t just nice to sleep on–they’re also better for the environment and last up to twice as long as synthetic mattresses. Keep reading to discover why organic mattresses are important and why you should consider buying one.

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

Herb of Month:

Chamomile, Matricaria recutita is one of the strongest herbs there is. The thing is, we tend to take it for granted. You can get it at the grocery store, you can order it at pretty near any restaurant – how could something so COMMON have any kind of potency as medicine? But it’s that commonness that clues us into what an important medicine it is! Back in the 1930s, much of the country gave up herbal medicines in favor of chemical medicines, and the only herbs that survived in our modern culture were culinary ones – because those are “just flavors”. Of course, they’re not! They’re important medicines in their own right – so important that we put them in our foods to make sure we got them every day. But Chamomile was one of the very few herbs that is not culinary, but which we held on to as a culture. Why? Because it was too important to put aside.

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

Benefits of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Dr. Rachel Madera is a physical therapist who specializes in the pelvic floor focusing on pregnancy and postpartum care and our suitemate! She loves helping women in any stage of life be the best version of themselves by addressing any pelvic floor concerns.

Pelvic floor physical therapy is an effective treatment option for many women during pregnancy and after childbirth. 

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

Herb of the Month:


Ashwagandha is one of my very favorite herbs: it supports the adrenals and other endocrine organs, improving the function of those organs and helping the body to better cope with stress. You’ve probably heard about the “HPA axis” – which is the connection recognized between the hypothalamic, pituitary, and adrenal glands. But I feel that ALL the endocrine glands are one giant axis of interconnected function and when one of them is out of whack, it affects communication and functioning throughout the whole body. And while we’re talking about endocrine glands, they are often referenced when we present with things like tiredness/fatigue or have less energy than we think we should. Most people know there are hormones involved, but the physiology of the endocrine system isn’t intuitive. It’s just a method of communication!

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Amanda Metzger Amanda Metzger

The Value of Post Partum Doulas

In a world with so much to offer to help you take care of your baby…..we may all be missing the most important item.


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