5 Easy Tips to Stay Hydrated during the Hot Florida Summers

Carry around a reusable water bottle.We love ones with built-in straws which makes it easy to drink without spilling. Check out Vogue’s 21 Best Water Bottles to find one that works for you.

Transform regular water into spa water. Try adding citrus slices, fresh herbs, and other chopped fruits into your water to take it from boring to blissful- check out EM founder Leah Keller’s infused water recipe below.

Eat your water. Opt for recipes with high water content foods; for inspiration, see the list above. Try this hydrating fruit salad that can easily be turned into spa water or check out these 43 recipes to keep you hydrated.

Make your own popsicles. What’s better than a guilt-free dessert? Try combining coconut milk with your favorite fruits, or transforming your daily smoothie, add a dash o honey or agave to make it extra festive.

Salt your food to taste. Many of us focus only on the water side of hydration, but in reality, we need a balance of water and salt (salts = electrolytes) to maintain healthy hydration. My favorite salt is Redmonds Real Salt. And the best indicator as to how much water and salt you need to achieve this? Your own body! So let taste and thirst guide you. If you find yourself craving salty foods (pickles, anyone!), or if home-cooked recipes suddenly taste bland to you, your body is telling you to increase your salt intake to guard hydration and electrolyte balance. Your body is wise - trust it. 

Himalayan Salt Infused Water 

Pour yourself a tall glass of cool water (ice optional).

  1. Add a pinch of pink Himalayan salt.

  2. Squeeze in fresh lemon or lime juice.

  3. Stir & enjoy!


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