5 ways to use nascent iodine (which we carry at the office!)

It is the swiss army knife of supplements! Made with a patented electromagnetic frequency to make it the most bioavailable form of iodine on the planet for clean, focused energy and to support a healthy metabolism. Just a few drops in a glass of purified water does the trick!

Even better, you can use it all over your face or body in a number of ways.

You can drop this nascent iodine tincture on your breasts to ease pain and to saturate the breasts with the essential mineral, or you can mix it in water to make a spray to fight acne anywhere on the skin.

That means you can easily replace any extra cleansers or supplements taking up space in your cabinet with a single bottle of our iodine. For example, use it to….

1. Apply directly to tender breast tissue:

Do you suffer from breast pain and or cysts? If so, you may want to consider painting your bare breast with iodine. Painting your breast with iodine is a great way to help saturate your breast tissue with the essential mineral.

Iodine has a long history of being effective for breast pain and cysts. Scientists identified that iodine may be one of the best ways to control the growth of both malignant and benign cancers.

WARNING: Do take care with sensitive skin as nascent iodine may burn those sensitive to grain alcohol. Always test a small area of your skin first before painting a larger area. Take caution around clothing, as Thyroid Warrior will stain.

2. Apply to a pimple of blemish:

Acne can be one of the most embarrassing things anyone can experience. Acne often times reappears during changes in hormonal levels, and during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. When acne persists for years, serious psychological side effects such as decreased self-esteem, depression, and social withdrawal.

Acne has been connected with a skin bacteria named Propionibacterium acnes. Iodine is a powerful antibacterial, which only targets the bad bacteria, leaving the good bacteria to colonize on your skin to aid healing and t destroy the bacteria causing the acne.

If you experience a blemish or a pimple, try spraying the infected area with a diluted mixture of iodine and water. We like adding 20 drops to a 1 ounce glass spray bottle filled with purified water.  Spray a few times throughout the day. On a hot day it's super refreshing and it will also help to ease any pain associated with the inflammation from acne.

WARNING: Do not spray the inside of the nose or eyes as the iodine will sting any sensitive areas. Take caution around clothing because Thyroid Warrior will stain.

3. Try an iodine bath (your skin will love it):

Soaking in an iodine bath is absolutely amazing! It can be especially helpful for those suffering from skin problems like eczema or irritated dry skin.

Many times skin problems occur due to an imbalance of microorganisms on the skin. Diet, lifestyle, and environmental stressors all play a role in the triggering breakouts, however an overgrowth of pathogens (like bad bacteria, fungus, yeast, and viruses), is most likely the main culprit.

Iodine is really good at killing these microscopic organisms to aid healing.  A great way to treat your all your skin, is to soak in an iodine bath. Simply add 30 drops of iodine to your bath water to enjoy the calming and rejuvenating effects of it!

4. Soothe your scalp and kill the pathogens linked to dandruff:

Apply it directly to problem areas on your scalp to kill the bacteria and fungus linked to dandruff. Iodine has a broad-spectrum antibacterial activity that has been recognized since the early 19th century which makes it wonderful at killing bacteria, yeast, mold, viruses and fungi.

Spray the infected area with a diluted mixture of iodine and purified water. Spray a few times throughout the day as needed.

5. Ease a toothache:

There's nothing more irritating and painful than a toothache. Many times the root of toothache pain is actually caused by an infection. When the infection is killed, the pain reduces.

Iodine is antiviral, and antibacterial however, it is important to note that only iodine in the alcohol tincture form, like the one we carry, has been used in the past for these anti-viral, anti-parasitical, and anti-pathogenic properties.

 If you ever experience a toothache try dropping a few drops of iodine directly onto the affected area and tooth. The iodine will attack the infection to aid healing and to ease pain.

WARNING: It may sting a little initially when applied.


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