What is HTMA?

I am excited to announce a new service that I am adding to the practice!

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis!

Some of you know that I have been taking a mineral analysis course, so what is it you ask?!

It is a hair sample that is evaluated for its mineral content and it give us a window into your cells mineral activity for the last 3-4 months. And tis is unlike a blood test, urine analysis or saliva test which are just a snapshot of a moment in time.

Minerals are the spark plugs o the body and are needed for millions of enzymes (co-factors, facilitators, inhibitors and are apart of the enzymes themselves). They are even how our vitamins are absorbed and the can be the basis of many of our health issues.

It also shows me how your body is detoxing some heavy metals, your metabolism or oxidation type, your autonomic state (parasympathetic vs sympathetic), vitality, thyroid function, adrenal function, how well your body is balancing hormones, how well you are managing your blood sugar (better than A1C) and if you have an infection (bacterial or viral)!

I look forward to helping you get started on your healthy beginning, by also supporting your minerals!


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